They don’t half love the punch!

“Can you make it punchier?”
“It needs to be more attention grabbing!”
Something we hear so often from clients & prospects.
And we get it, of course.
Punchy text was previously regarded as the holy grail of marketing copy.
The idea that if you can just craft a short, snappy sentence, you can capture your audience's attention and make them buy whatever you're selling.
But let's be real, sometimes punchy text can come across as cheesy or forced.
And while it might get people's attention, it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be interested in what you have to say.
So, what's the solution?
Relevant text.
Text that speaks directly to your audience and addresses their pain points or needs.
Because when it comes down to it, people want to know what's in it for them.
They want to know how your product or service can make their life better.
Punchy text can make you sound like a used-car salesman.
"Get your FREE trial now!" "Limited time offer!" It's like you're shouting at your audience.
Relevant text is like having a conversation with your audience.
You're speaking to them directly and addressing their needs.
You're saying, "I understand what you're going through and I can help."
Punchy text is great for subject lines, but it's not always sustainable for an entire piece of content.
Imagine reading an entire blog post that's nothing but punchy one-liners. It would get old quickly.
(No smart comments here, please.)
Relevant text is what keeps people engaged.
It's what makes them want to keep reading or listening to what you have to say.
If you can show them how your product or service can solve their problems, they'll be much more likely to stick around.
Punchy text might even get more clicks, but it doesn't necessarily mean they'll convert.
If you can speak directly to your audience and show them how your product or service can make their life better, you'll be much more likely to convert them into customers.
And, who knows, maybe you'll come up with a punchy tagline that actually works.
But in the meantime, focus on what really matters - creating relevant, engaging content.
Much like this 😊