Merrehill | GDPR

What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became the primary data protection law in most of Europe from May 2018. It guarantees rights for individuals whose personal information is being collected, stored and used by businesses, charities and governments, and places upon those organisations the obligations of transparency and accountability. Most of the GDPR was retained in UK law after leaving the European  Union, as the UK GDPR.

How does Merrehill provide compliant email marketing?

We hold the concepts of personal privacy and fairness, as well as open communication in business, as significant elements of our ethos. We ensure that business contact data we hold is only ever used for specified, legitimate purposes, and that every email we send includes information about how and why any personal data is being used, by whom, and how individuals can exercise their rights. We have robust technical and organisational processes in place to exclude recipients from marketing for specific customers, or from all marketing we conduct.

How do I exercise my data subject rights with Merrehill?

If your personal data are processed by Merrehill, you are a data subject. We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who acts as an independent single point of contact for the ICO, data subjects and members of staff in all matters relating to data protection compliance. Anyone can contact our DPO by sending an email to, by calling 01625 800 586, or by writing to our address below.

You can also visit our Data Subject Portal to read frequently asked questions and raise a support request for our DPO to respond to.